PROJECT MANAGER WANTED! Pro One Builders Group is looking for Project Managers with a very good experience in the field of residential renovation. We are a home improvement contractor with over 25 years of experience. Work is located in Hinsdale, La Grange, and Burr Ridge areas. Salary $80k - $160k and more. For all details, you can contact us by writing direct or to our e-mail: Also you can find us by visiting our office: 75W 61st Street Westmont, IL 60559 Or reach us by phone: 630-935-2577; 63 0-541-9393 #pro o nebuilders # renovation #repairing #rep airinterior#designde interiores #des i gninterio r #handyma n #builders #bui l dingdesign #c o nstruction #construct ionservices#qual itybuilder #qua l ityrepairs #quality r enovations # renovation #ki t chendesign # livingroom #be droomdesign#st airsdes i gn #stairs #cozyhouse # s econdfloor #stairss t airsstairs #proonebu ildersgroup
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